1. 在APP STORE 中搜尋「Telegram」下載
2. 點開APP輸入手機號碼
3. 輸入簡訊認證碼
4. 設定姓名、照片
5. 驗證完後, 請點擊 https://t.me/arcadiacbc
點擊 Join 才算完成唷~
明明已經有很多信息軟體, 為何我們還要再多裝一個新的 TELEGRAM MESSENGER ? 它有什麼好?
Telegram 有分成"頻道 CHANNEL" 及"組群 GROUP"
頻道是一個發佈平台' 就像是"送貨上門"一樣' 使用者無需經常上教會網站去看最新公告' 而訂閱後手機就能立即迅速的收到教會各項事工的最新狀況' 牧者的話' 聚會提醒' 代禱事項' 及各式各樣的消息' 常有人說他接不到教會的電郵' 也常看不到教會在臉書上的更新' 使用TELEGRAM' 您從此不會漏掉任何一個信息 !
另外一個好處是' 接收者只能單方接收信息 - 在LINE 或是WECHAT 的聊天室中' 常常版主發佈一個消息後' 就被各式各樣的回應給淹沒了' 往往晚來的人根本沒看到前面重要的公告' 這在TELEGRAM頻道 (CHANNEL) 中' 是不會出現這個問題' 訂閱者只會看到從牧者或是事工領導發佈的乾淨訊息或是來自教會辦公室的提醒.
組群是聊天室- 使用方式與一般的LINE 跟WECHAT 大同小異' 有特別的亮點可看下面的介紹. 對管理者來說最大的不同點是' TELEGRAM 可以禁止不適當發言' 以保護本來群組的使用者. 另一個很新的功能是"投票 POLL" 這個功能可用來讓小團體的成員在討論一個選擇' 或是登記注冊時' 能一目了然' 簡單方便' 不需要再用唱名或+1 的型式. 用過就會深深喜歡這個強大的功能.
What is Telegram?
Telegram is a messaging app with a focus on speed and security, it’s super-fast, simple and free. You can use Telegram on all your devices at the same time — your messages sync seamlessly across any number of your phones, tablets or computers.
With Telegram, you can send messages, photos, videos and files of any type (doc, zip, mp3, etc.), as well as create groups for up to 200,000 people or channels for broadcasting to unlimited audiences. Telegram’s use of channels (one-way communication) is one of the primary reasons that we chose it over some alternatives. Also, when you are using Telegram, you won’t see advertising for other people’s groups, products, etc. As a result, Telegram is like SMS (text messages) and email combined.
Why are we making a change?
The first thing that needs to be clear is that we are adding Telegram to our list of ways to communicate with the church. We will still be using email and Facebook. There are several reasons why we are deciding to add Telegram as a method of communication. First, Facebook has made some changes in the posts that it shows you. As a result, a number of people have come to us and said that they can’t find things on Facebook or that they didn’t see important messages we posted even in the ACBC FB. In addition to those changes, many people have made a conscious decision to avoid social media. So, whether their choice is made from conviction or convenience, we want to support them in their decision and offer an avenue of communication that is not through social media and avoids all the potential traps that go with it.
Second, many people are finding that the church emails are not getting to their inbox. Sometimes the emails are flagged as spam and other times they just don’t seem to arrive. Adding Telegram gives us all another way to communicate that doesn’t have as many barriers or things that might keep messages from getting to the intended person.
Will Telegram be the long-term solution to our communication challenges? Honestly, only time will tell. We are committed to continuing to evaluate all the best possible options to get communication to you and enable you to communicate with each other to build up the Body of Christ. Telegram seems like the best option for today.
I know some of you are thinking, “But, I don’t have a smartphone?” It is ok. You can install Telegram on your desktop computer or even just access it through the internet and not install it at all. You only need to have a cell phone that can receive a text message to set it up.
How do I set up Telegram?
1. Decide what device you want to install Telegram on from the list below and click the link (or go to the blog on our website and click the link):
Android Device: https://telegram.org/dl/android
iPhone/Ipad: https://telegram.org/dl/ios
Desktop PC/Mac/Linux: https://desktop.telegram.org/
MacOS: https://macos.telegram.org/
Web-Version: https://telegram.org/dl/webogram
2. Register with your cell phone number: it needs to be a cell phone, so you can receive a text message with a confirmation code that you will enter to finalize the registration. (GOOGLE VOICE NUMBER WORKS AS WELL)
3. Click the following link to join ACBC channel:
4. The difference between “Channels” and “Groups”:
Channels are one-way information from those authorized to post – no replies or interaction
Groups are for mutual communication – chatting about things
Don’t Panic!
You might be feeling overwhelmed by those four steps. Don’t worry! We are here to help. You can call or ask Pastors or office and we will get somebody to teach you step by step. Of course, you can probably just ask any of our youth or college to help you as well. We know that this may take some work and may stretch many of you outside your comfort zone, but in the end, we believe the effort will be worth it.